Alan Schmidt, Professional Voice Talent
Alan Schmidt
Professional Male Voice Talent
"Conversational, personable and friendly voice"

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The RIGHT voice that will bring your success to a higher level.
Soothing and friendly voice that will make people take notice and in contrast, an authoritative voice that commands attention.
Ability to convey a wide variety of emotions - spooky, comical, sarcastic, sincere, secretive, mysterious, serious, excited and many more
Fast turn-around time
Affordable prices

Excellence and Professionalism in Voice Over Talent

Hi, my name is Alan Schmidt.  It’s been said that people who love their job excel at their job.  I consider myself to be one of those people - I absolutely love being a voice over artist!  I get a real sense of satisfaction every time I turn out a project that meets or exceeds the expectation of my clients.

I grew up on a dairy farm in South Dakota, which meant working long, hard hours.  I credit my parents for instilling in me the importance of not just getting the job done, but getting the job done right.  They taught me to push through and stay focused, even when things got tough or felt uncomfortable.  Many of my employers over the years have told me they appreciate my strong work ethic.

I have been blessed with a great voice and have worked hard to exercise and train it to achieve a wide variety of tones, pitches and styles.   I can sound comical, spooky, soothing, mysterious, serious, sincere, secretive, or excited.  I am constantly practicing and taking lessons to help me take my voice to new levels.

I am outgoing, enthusiastic and love a challenge.  I know how to have fun while maintaining a work ethic that is determined, disciplined and focused.  I embrace every new project with passion and strive to give you the style you want and the quality you expect.

Work history:
Six years of radio broadcasting experience as an on air personality and producing commercials

Education history:
Earned high school diploma from a quality high school in South Dakota
Earned Broadcasting Certificate at Brown College of Broadcasting in Minneapolis

Voice Over services:

Ready to take your success to a higher level? Contact me today by filling out my online contact form or by calling me at 605-610-5847.